Priests and Levites.


Nehemiah 12:1-47

We continued to read of those who went up to Jerusalem today as mention was made of the Priests and Levites. The responsibilities of this group was also mentioned as Israel continued to rebuild and reestablish their life of worship in Jerusalem.

Later on, we read of the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem,  the Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps and lyres. When the priests and Levites had purified themselves ceremonially, they purified the people, the gates and the wall of Jerusalem.

As we draw near to the end of the book of Nehemiah, we could see that much has indeed been done by way of restoration. The wall rebuilt, worship restored, dwellers settled in Jerusalem and other cities, all because a man with a passion and heart for God and his land took action.

What would you do for God? What would be said of you?

Some verses to remember

43: Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced: for God had made them rejoice with great joy: the wives also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.

45: And both the singers and the porters kept the ward of their God, and the ward of the purification, according to the commandment of Davidand of Solomon his son.


A Nation Repents

Nehemiah 9:1-38

Today, the people of Israel gathered together with fasting, separating themselves from all strangers. The gathering was to confess their sins and those  of their fathers in a show of genuine national repentance.

The day started with the reading of the book of the law of the Lord, and the other parts of the day the spent confessing their sins and worshiping God. With the Levitical leaders going through Israel‘s history to show how God had dealt with the fathers – starting from Abraham, to the miracles God did in Egypt, and in the desert with the giving of the law.

They also recounted how the fathers were unfaithful, making for themselves gods, causing great provocation. Despite these, God had been merciful to them, feeding them, and leading them, and preserving them in the wilderness. God also gave them lands to possess, giving them strong cities, but after eating to their fill, they became disobedient to God, and he delivered them into the hands of their enemies. However, when they cried out to Him, he sent them saviors to deliver them from their enemies.

Israel’s cycle of disobedience and deliverance from trouble went on and on until their exile to Babylon. Now that they had returned, they sought God’s face for mercy. They confessed their sins and those of their fathers, and they made a covenant to obey God’s laws.

Just like the Israelites, we all have a journey with God. Most times it is not a smooth run. Do we always come back to God in repentance and a willingness to obey him from our hearts. Make a commitment to God today, He is willing to help you to obey him.

The Watergate Gathering

Nehemiah 8:1-18

Today, we read of how the whole nation gathered to respond to the word of God. Israel was in a transition state having just come back from exile. So all the people gathered as one man to listen to the Law of God as read to them by  Ezra, the scribe.

Great reverence was giving to the reading of the word, as the people rose, bowed their heads, worshiped and say ‘Amen‘! It was not just about reading, we learn that the the reading was done distinctly, and the Levites caused the people to understand what was being read, giving sense and meaning. How many times do we just go through the motions of the things of God – prayers, worship, reading the bible – do we really seek meaning and understanding??

The people’s response to God was to weep and mourn, for they could see how far they have deviated from God’s law. Nehemiah and Ezra however encouraged them to rejoice for it was a holy day unto God. They people were charged to go their way to eat, drink and share with their neighbours. The people left rejoicing for they have understood the word of God declared unto them.

The feast was kept for seven days, and on the eight day, there was a solemn assembly.

Nehemiah Organizes The People


Nehemiah 7:1-73

After the walls of Jerusalem had been built, and the doors set, Nehemiah appointed porters, singers and Levites. He also gave responsibility to his brother – Hanani, and Hananiah – a man described as being faithful and fearing God above many – to take charge of Jerusalem. He gave them instructions on ensuring the safety and security of the city.

Nehemiah also saw that the city was large and great, but the people were few and the houses were not builded. So, God laid it in his heart to gather the nobles, the rulers and the people, according to their genealogy of those who came back from captivity. Everyone was named according to his city that came from Babylon with the leaders of Israel. We could see what Nehemiah was trying to do here – to ensure that the people were organized, and then they could each rebuild their homes and cities.

One thing is clear – leaders have vision, foresight, and are able to instruct and guide others into a better future. At times they do the thinking for the people, and the people respond by doing the acting and cooperating. Nehemiah had vision, and he was able to pass on the same to his people. He had credibility and could instruct others.

What type of leader are you?

Some verses to remember

4-5: Now the city was large and great: but the people were few therein, and the houses were not builded. And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy.



Spiritual Amnesia

Ezra 9:1-15

How else could we describe what happened in the passage read today? We have just been reading of how God restored the people from captivity back to their own land, helping them to build the temple, with much favour from heathen kings. God was merciful to them and did not deal with them as their sins deserved.

However, we read today that the people started walking against the laws of God, resulting in the prayer made here by Ezra. He was told that the people, including their priests and Levites were committing abominations by marrying the people of the land, thus the holy seed were mingling with the pagans of the land, against God’s commandments.

Ezra was very sad, angry and sorrowful at this development. He tore his clothes, plucked off his hair and sat down astonished. he then prayed a prayer of forgiveness unto God as we saw here. This was the first thing he did. What did he do next ? We will soon discover, as we learn how to rally a people back from sin.

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The People Who Returned

Ezra 8:1-36

We were given the names of the people that went up to Jerusalem with Ezra from Babylon during the reign of Artaxerxes the king. The people were listed according to their families, and the number of men present with them.Ezra later requested for ministers for the house of God, when he found out that there were no Levites present amongst the people. So, they brought men of the sons of Levi for the service of God’s house.

Ezra then proclaimed a fast to enable the people to seek the face of God for the right way for them. An interesting word was used here, ” afflict ourselves”. Fasting is like a self-affliction that tunes the heart and spirit to God, gets his attention, and benefits the individual. When the people fasted and sought God, He was entreated of them, as they were delivered of all their enemies that laid wait on their way to Jerusalem.

God continued to favour his people, as they continued to make progress with their return to Jerusalem, and the building of the temple, and re-establishing the rightful worship of the Lord their God.

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Introducing Ezra The Scribe

Ezra 7:1-28

Today, we were introduced to Ezra, who was described as a scribe in the law of Moses. He was sent out from babylon by the decree of Artaxerxes the king, as the Lord continued to show his favour to his people through the heathen kings.

Ezra prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord and to do it, and also to teach in Israel statutes and judgments. Artaxerxes decree was that Ezra and all others – priests, Levites, which are minded like him, should go up to Jerusalem with him. They were to go with gold, silver and other treasures freely offered from the king for the house of God, and also lots of money to buy animals for offerings.

Apart from these, the king further promised them his support for whatsoever they needed, to the extent that he even declared that those who served in God’s house should not be charged toll, tribute or custom. Ezra was given charge to set magistrates and judges over all the people, according to the law of Moses, and whosoever will not do the law of God and the king, was to be punished.

God’s hand was upon Ezra, and he strengthened him to go up as commanded, with the chief men of Israel.

Some verses to remember

vs 10: For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.

27-28 : Blessed be the LORD God of our fathers, which hath put such a thing as this in the king’s heart, to beautify the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem: And hath extended mercy unto me before the king, and his counsellors, and before all the king’s mighty princes. And I was strengthened as the hand of the LORD my God was upon me, and I gathered together out of Israel chief men to go up with me.

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Laying The Foundations of The Temple

Ezra 3:1-13

Today, the people who returned to Jerusalem started the work of the temple.  Firstly, Jeshua and the other priests reestablished the altar of God, and started offering burnt offerings as directed in the law of Moses.They also kept the feast of tabernacles, offered the daily offerings, as the duty of everyday required.

The next stage was the laying of the foundations of the temple. Those who returned gave money to support the work of the workmen. Meat drink, and oil were also given out to those who brought the cedar trees needed from Lebanon. By the second year of their return to Jerusalem, Zerubabel and Jeshua with their brethren the priests and the Levites, and all they that came from captivity set to work on the house of God.

When the had builders laid the foundations of the temple, the priests were set in their apparel with trumpets, Levites with cymbals, and they all sang praises unto God for His mercies. All the people shouted and rejoiced loudly. The older generation of fathers and priests who had seen the initial temple, however wept when they saw the new one, such that there was an loud mixture of both joy and weeping, very difficult to distinguish.

The most important thing, apart from the beauty of the new foundations or otherwise, is the fact that God restored his people to their land, and they are able to restart their life of worship as his people. The temple is central to israel’s life, and laying its foundation again was something to rejoice about and celebrate.


What new foundations do you need to re-establish with God? Do so today, and there would be rejoicing!

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Jehoshaphat Appoints Judges

2 Chr 19:1-11

Man at his best is still man, and apart from Christ, we see no man without any flaws.

When Jehoshaphat returned from the war he went with Ahab, Jehu, the seer, went to him and admonished him. His fault was that he was helping the ungodly and loved them that hated God. For this reason, God’s wrath would be upon him. However because of the other good things Jehoshaphat had done in taking away the groves for idol worshipping, and setting his heart to seek God, the judgement was tempered.

We later read that Jehoshaphat went through Judah and set judges throughout the land. He charged them to be careful how they judge, as the judge for God and not man. He also appointed Levites to judge controversies in Jerusalem, and to ensure the people do not break God’s laws, and attract his wrath.

Jehoshaphat indeed had a heart for God, always seeking and trying to do what was right for the name of the Lord, and seeing to it that others also follow in God’s statutes and laws. God is still looking for such men today, will you be available?

Some verses to remember

vs 9:  And he charged them, saying, Thus shall ye do in the fear of the LORD, faithfully, and with a perfect heart.

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The End Of David’s Reign

2 Chr 29:1-30

You might be wondering what has been happening in the last few days with the posts on the blog. If I am to be sincere, all I have been reading for the last one week or so were names and names, and more names. I did not want to bore you with a list of names, however that’s what a lot of Chronicles is about – We learnt a whole lot of those who were in David‘s workforce, the Captains, the Levites and so on.

Today we finally came to the end of the first book of Chronicles, as David prepares to depart, leaving a strong legacy and instructions for Solomon his son. His priority first and foremost was the house of God. He willingly gave of his gold and substance for the building of the temple. There was a great motivation among all the people as well as they all willingly brought their substances, till everything needed was overflowing.

David blessed the Lord before the congregation of the people, gave thanks for all that God had brought him through as well as the whole of Israel, from the times of the forefathers. He also prayed for  his son Solomon. All the people togeher then blessed the Lord, and offered sacrifices to him. They also made Solomon king, and he took his place on the throne.

David lived old, reigning forty years in all as king. He fulfilled the number of his days in riches, glory and honour. All through his life, he retained a heart and passion for God, which he handed over to his son Solomon. We also have a responsibility as such, to live fully, and hand over a good legacy to those after us.

So help us God!